I can't believe I haven't posted here in SO long! It's pathetic, it's lame and I'm of course FULL of excuses! However, I'm not gonna excuse my lack in motivation! There is NO excuse other than lack of self control and utter disappointment in myself, which caused a downward spiral!
NO MORE! I mean it this time. I know you hear it over and over (not only here, but on other blogs and from friends/family), but I'm SET TO GO! I'm DONE with feeling BLAH about myself. I'm ready to feel hot and confident and comfortable in my own skin! I'm done with justifying. I'm DONE with the excuses! I'm ready to get on the move, eat healthy and love life!
I don't really know how this all happened, but it did. There's no going back in time, but there IS the ability to make the future bright. I lost my computer to the shop for awhile and stopped blogging, especially here on my weight loss blog. I KNOW why I didn't come back. I KNOW why I never posted. I felt guilty and didn't have the strength to face my downfalls. I now have the strength and I'm more than excited to get going, to meet more bloggy friends and most importantly, find my past bloggy friends who motivated me SO MUCH! I'm excited to sit down and read the blogs on my blog roll, to see where you all are at, to read your motivational posts, etc! I'm disappointed that I missed Hot for the Holidays. I can't believe I just totally forgot about it b/c I was without a computer for awhile and then once I remembered, decided I had no reason to try anymore! GAH, how lame am I?
I know this is rambling rambling rambling, but I gotta do it. I gotta be accountable! I want to succeed! I CAN/WILL do this! Right now, I'm just wanting to get the time to search for great recipes, healthy family oriented recipes and ideas! I want to feel my children more well-rounded meals. I want them to LOVE what they eat and for it to be healthy. If there is anyone out there reading this, if you have any suggestions or links to offer on this matter, I'd love to hear from you!
I really should go back and read what I wrote. I know I'm repeating myself and jumping from one thought to the other, but I also have minimal time to write this. I'm trying to get the kiddos down for a nap.
I know it's CLICHE', but I WILL SUCCEED at this resolution! I am DETERMINED to succeed! It may take me some time, but I will get around to the blogs I have on my blog roll. I will do better at rooting you all on with your weigh loss journey! I do fear I've lost contact with some that I wish I hadn't b/c I never put their link on this blog. . . hopefully I'll find you all!
Thanks for the motivation you all have given me and continue to give!
Way to go Jen!! You have totally motivated me! We will do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR~! Come get your free 8x10 David Bowman print! Hurry it ends soon! You need to post and e-mail David by noon Jan. 5th :) Hope you are having a beautiful Sunday! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna
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