Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Watchin' What We Eat Wednesday #2
Friday, June 20, 2008
Fitness on Fridays!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Watchin' What We Eat Wednesday!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Fitness on Fridays!!
Well, I don't have anything really motivational to write this week. I haven't done exceptionally bad, but I haven't done anything fantastic either! It's all good. There's no gain, no loss, just stayed the same! Can't really complain about that I guess.
Monday, June 9, 2008
An Award to those who Motivate me!!

Today, I decided I wanted to make an award to thank all of you whose blogs I read that continue to motivate me to stay on track towards my weight loss goals! I truly appreciate all your motivating posts and really REALLY LOVE all your great comments I receive here on my blog. With that being said, I present you all with my first weight loss award give-away!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Fitness on Fridays!!
I decided I wanted to participate in this Meme that my friend Lorie told me about. It's called Tasty Thursday and it's hosted by Trista over at the Pumkin Patch. How fun! This week's theme is WW recipes! YAY!! I'm so glad she told me about it! I love finding new recipes, especially ones that people post about b/c that means at least they like them right? Anyways, I was gonna be creative and post a recipe that I haven't mentioned before (I have TONS), but it's 2:30 am and I'm totally tired! I've been up making Baby Shower Invites for one of my friends. Enough of that. . . The recipe I'm posting I LOVE!! It's a HIT with every member in my family, including my 10 month old. The best part is is that it's low in points and tastes delicious!!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Well, last night I decided to make my Chicken Enchilada recipe, but do so with fewer calories/fat, thus having it be less points per serving. I've made TONS of different variations of this recipe trying to get one that tastes as close to the original as possible. Well, with the new Mission Carb Balance WHITE tortillas, I think I came pretty close. My hubby said they were delicious. (he's not too fond of the variation I make with fat free cream cheese/green onions instead of shredded cheese, but I LOVE IT). The best part is these seem to be even better re-heated! Yay for leftovers!! Now let me just say there is SO MUCH you can do to "doll" this recipe up, it's insane, but I'll just post the simple/basic one for you here. Do KNOW that you NEED to calculate your own points if you use different brands of ingredients, etc.