Monday, February 2, 2009

Oh to Lose!

I just really really am determined to lose! It's taking it's time, but I need to be patient. It doesn't come off over night right? You can't snap your fingers and have 20 fat nasty pounds suddenly be shed? I get this. I am just so sick of the infamous muffin top and feeling yuck about myself. I am eating better. I am slowly losing, so I just need to tell myself that I'm on my way. I'm headed in the right direction and if I continue on with this way of life, the weight will come off! It will. I just need to be patient, motivated and determined to keep true to myself and stay focused on my goals! I need to get moving and try a little harder. I need to get back to tracking what I eat and need to back off the justification of bad foods. I can do this!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The SICKNESS has struck!

Ya, so I've been sick since Tuesday and that does not do wonders for my weight loss. You'd think it would, especially since I have an awful sore throat, but alas, I didn't eat too well this week. Mind you, there were meals I missed because I just didn't feel well or because it hurt my throat too bad to eat. However, when I did eat, I ate some NOT so good things for me. Like ice cream, fruit drinks, etc. They helped to numb my throat and they were among the few things that sounded good to eat. I did get the half fat frozen yogurt ;) if that counts for anything!

This all being said, I wasn't expecting much when I stood on the scale on Friday. I was just hoping I didn't have an enormous gain. Much to my amazement, I still lost! WOW!

I'm down another 1.4 lbs! YAY!

Now, let's just see if we can continue on this weight loss journey. I preparing myself that this week could be rough. Just with getting back into eating all my meals again and eating nutritional food, I know I need to stay really focused! I wanna continue to lose! I really really do!

Wish me luck! 

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Scale, here I come!

This week went pretty well. I stayed in my points for the most part and drank a lot! I didn't exercise like I should've. Wait, let's be honest, I didn't officially get down and exercise at all. Unless you can include cleaning cleaning cleaning and chasing around toddlers, etc. ;) Anyways, I kept my focus and was determined to be happy with whatever weight loss I had come weigh in time. I was aware of the fact that last week's weigh in was quite high, so I wasn't gonna shoot myself down if the numbers weren't the best this week. I did make a goal to at least have some sort of loss though. I knew if I kept focused and determined, this could happen.

Well, this week. . . 

I lost 1.4 pounds!!

Nothing extraordinary, but hey, it's a loss right? And I'm happy with it! VERY happy! I'm very glad to have lost weight especially after having a great week last week. I know the first week is a lot of water loss and the weight comes off easier. The 2nd week proves to be a bit more difficult because your body isn't quite sure what's going on and is holding on to it's fat/energy source. SO, that being said, I'm satisfied and motivated to keep going and that's what matters! I truly want to lose and lose and lose. I know it's a difficult road ahead as I'm down to the last  15 lbs until I get to my ULTIMATE goal. I have 7 lbs to go to officially get back to my WW goal. I've been lower than that though and want to be there again! I love how I feel. I love the energy I have and I especially love the confidence I gain. I'm happy at my goal weight, but not as happy as I was when I originally hit that weight before having my children. We all know what kids can do to a body and it seems I don't feel as great and fit as well into my clothes at that goal weight as I did before kids. Big surprise right? So, I ultimately want to get down to the lowest weight I got after hitting goal. But, for now, I'm focusing on just getting to my original WW goal weight. Baby steps right? One foot in front of the other. As long as you're on track to success, it's a wonderful feeling. 

NOW, to get my butt exercising!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Weigh In Day

So, today was weigh in day. It's been 1 whole week since I've re-directed my focus. It's been a week since I wrote down my weight goals and gained some motivation. It's been 1 whole week since I started writing down EVERYTHING I eat. It's been a week and I feel GREAT! Who wouldn't feel great when they stand on a scale and see that they had a weight loss of. . . 


Um, ya. I was really stoked about that! 

Now, to come off my pedestal. I realize the first week is a week where you lose more easily. I realize a lot of water weight comes off at first. I've done this ALL before when originally doing WW and after having each of my kids. So, ya. I know. I watch Biggest Loser. I see the dramatic weight losses in week 1. This being said, I still believe that this is a triumph. This is a week where it's VERY EASY to go back to old ways, to old habits. This is a week where you can deviate and think, "what the heck, I'll start this whole lifestyle change 'NEXT WEEK' ", but I didn't do that. I'm NOT gonna do that. And I'm most definitely NOT gonna do that even if the scale says something not quit so exciting next week! I'm on a roll and am determined to meet my goals! I will lose the weight I wanna get rid off. I WILL do this! 

Friday, January 2, 2009

Alright Alright Alright

I can't believe I haven't posted here in SO long! It's pathetic, it's lame and I'm of course FULL of excuses! However, I'm not gonna excuse my lack in motivation! There is NO excuse other than lack of self control and utter disappointment in myself, which caused a downward spiral!

NO MORE! I mean it this time. I know you hear it over and over (not only here, but on other blogs and from friends/family), but I'm SET TO GO! I'm DONE with feeling BLAH about myself. I'm ready to feel hot and confident and comfortable in my own skin! I'm done with justifying. I'm DONE with the excuses! I'm ready to get on the move, eat healthy and love life!

I don't really know how this all happened, but it did. There's no going back in time, but there IS the ability to make the future bright. I lost my computer to the shop for awhile and stopped blogging, especially here on my weight loss blog. I KNOW why I didn't come back. I KNOW why I never posted. I felt guilty and didn't have the strength to face my downfalls. I now have the strength and I'm more than excited to get going, to meet more bloggy friends and most importantly, find my past bloggy friends who motivated me SO MUCH! I'm excited to sit down and read the blogs on my blog roll, to see where you all are at, to read your motivational posts, etc! I'm disappointed that I missed Hot for the Holidays. I can't believe I just totally forgot about it b/c I was without a computer for awhile and then once I remembered, decided I had no reason to try anymore! GAH, how lame am I?

I know this is rambling rambling rambling, but I gotta do it. I gotta be accountable! I want to succeed! I CAN/WILL do this! Right now, I'm just wanting to get the time to search for great recipes, healthy family oriented recipes and ideas! I want to feel my children more well-rounded meals. I want them to LOVE what they eat and for it to be healthy. If there is anyone out there reading this, if you have any suggestions or links to offer on this matter, I'd love to hear from you!

I really should go back and read what I wrote. I know I'm repeating myself and jumping from one thought to the other, but I also have minimal time to write this. I'm trying to get the kiddos down for a nap. 

I know it's CLICHE', but I WILL SUCCEED at this resolution! I am DETERMINED to succeed! It may take me some time, but I will get around to the blogs I have on my blog roll. I will do better at rooting you all on with your weigh loss journey! I do fear I've lost contact with some that I wish I hadn't b/c I never put their link on this blog. . . hopefully I'll find you all! 

Thanks for the motivation you all have given me and continue to give!